The courage and bravery women have displayed at Shaheen Bagh is commendable. However, the recent outbreak of the coronavirus puts people at risk of infection. While there is no official cure made available through the healthcare system as of yet, there are many researchers racing to find the cure. Therefore, coronavirus patients are currently being handled in a way that alleviates the symptoms, but does not treat the specific underlying cause.

One may wonder what to do in such a scenario in addition to following the existing hygiene measures.

The Quran itself declares that ‘We have bestowed upon you a Book that mentions you. Will you then not understand?’ (21:10)’. So what is the Quranic prescription for the situation we are facing right now? The miracle of the Quran is such that it gives you specific guidance in your life, if you are able to converse with the living book. However, you have to look at it carefully to find the answer you desire.

There is an interesting phenomena that has been observed in nature over centuries. Some fruits and vegetables are not only visually similar to body parts but are also beneficial to them. One example is the carrot which not only bears a resemblance to the eye but also benefits the organ of sight.  

Another example includes Walnuts which both resemble and benefit the brain.

When the coronavirus structure is observed carefully, one can establish that it is quite similar to how a fig looks on the inside. Therefore, it may be beneficial for mankind against the threat this virus poses.

When we refer to the Quran, we are even able to find the mention of figs in it. ‘Witness is the Fig and the Olive and the green mount of ages and this safe land.’ (95:1-3). Therefore, figs may be considered as a food through which we may garner some protection. 

Furthermore, let’s study the appearance of an olive tree.

The appearance of the olive tree resembles the coronavirus protein structure as well. Therefore, it may be the case that consuming olives will be beneficial in dealing with this threat.

Finally, another question that may arise is what are these green mounts of old? The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda recognizes a substance called Shilajit which is a natural substance formed for centuries on high mountain rocks through the gradual decomposition of plants by microorganisms. This medicinal substance is known to have a positive impact on both energy levels, boosting immunity and overall health.

But beware! Shilajeet is costly and it is hard to find the original Shilajeet.  

The least we can do is consume a fig, an olive and 4-5 olive leaves (if available) daily. Those who can afford and find Shilajeet, must add this also. Take only a pea-size (Matar or Chana) piece of Shilajeet and dissolve it in a glass water.

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