Maulana Nadvi lost the battle but won the War

Maulana Nadvi lost the battle but won the War

Guess who is RSS’s most favourite MP? PM Modi of course. But who is the next, and you will be surprised that he is a Muslim. No, not Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi who can never muster even a thousand Muslim votes on his own anywhere in India. Need a clue? The one who was one of...
Shaheen Bagh and Quranic Prescription for COVID-19

Shaheen Bagh and Quranic Prescription for COVID-19

The courage and bravery women have displayed at Shaheen Bagh is commendable. However, the recent outbreak of the coronavirus puts people at risk of infection. While there is no official cure made available through the healthcare system as of yet, there are many...
Stop O God, the annihilation of the mankind!

Stop O God, the annihilation of the mankind!

Stop O God, the annihilation of the mankind…but grant them Wisdom too to be transformed into Humans. The army of a microscopically tiny molecules has suddenly attacked the world, the human domain. The most intelligent beings of the universe are retreating, struggling...
A comparative study about fasting by Allama Syed Abdullah Tariq

A comparative study about fasting by Allama Syed Abdullah Tariq

सभी ईशग्रंथों में रोज़े (उपवास) की महिमा पवित्र कुरआन अपने अनुयायियों को रोज़े का आदेश देते हुए कहता है- ‘‘हे आस्तिको ! तुम्हारे लिए रोज़े निर्धारित किए गए जैसे कि तुम से पूर्व लोगों के लिए निर्धारित किए गए थे ताकि तुम परहेज़गार बन सको।‘‘ (क़ुरआन 2 : 183) सनातन धर्म...