Stop O God, the annihilation of the mankind…but grant them Wisdom too to be transformed into Humans.

The army of a microscopically tiny molecules has suddenly attacked the world, the human domain. The most intelligent beings of the universe are retreating, struggling and finding it hard to invent a weapon to fight them.

Those claiming to be created in the image of God were busy in all sorts of ungodly conspiracies when suddenly the attack caught them unaware. Emerging out of a middle class in Wuhan, the attacking forces are creating havoc in the most powerful sections of the human society who bossed around the world creating weapons of mass destruction, depleting the ozone layer, creating greenhouse gases, causing global warming and spending lavishly unmindful of the hunger of 800 million other human beings. The nexus between the political bosses, the religious manipulators and the capitalists was creating divisions among the human beings on the basis of their religion, caste, ethnicity, colour and creed. The minorities within the man-made boundaries, called countries, were massacred or oppressed. Though the initial target of the attacking forces has mostly been the regions of economic colonizers, it is possible that the exploited sections of the human beings may also succumb to the onslaught for their crime of surrendering to the conspiracies of the exploiters before an effective weapon is invented to combat the invisible army.

The most sensible thing in the wake of the calamity of SARS-CoV-2 (or the Novel Coronavirus as it is commonly known), should have been the emergence of a united humanity. But while our scientists are working overtime to produce an antivirus, the religious conspirators in collusion with the political powers in many parts of the globe have found a novel way of piggybacking on the novel coronavirus. They are spreading the communal virus which has started targeting the already aggrieved religious minorities in a big way.

While in nearly 50 countries, people were targeting those of Chinese or Asian origin, CCK, an organisation of a large number of Protestant Christian denominations linked their previously running campaign against Shincheonji to the spread of coronavirus. Shincheonji or Shincheonji Church of Jesus or The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is a comparatively new Christian outfit trying to gain entry into more than 25000 Christian denominations. CCK must realise that each of its member denomination was a new entrant at some point of time and had to struggle hard to be accommodated by others. As a matter of fact, the initial Protestant movement faced a lot of persecution at the hands of the then Catholic world. As CCK is afraid of the fast-growing pace of Shincheonji, the history is writing the same tale again. While Shincheonji members were already being persecuted by the combined majority of other Christians in South Korea, they found the spread of Covid_19 very convenient to malign the new enthusiastic group as if they were intentionally spreading the virus among Koreans. Shincheonji can not be blamed for more frequent religious gathering and the vicinity of the worshippers in their congregations before the advisory of the South Korean govt. not to do so, was issued.

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#Coronavirus and the Shincheonji Church in South Korea – Separating fact from fiction

In fact Muslims, the second largest majority of the world are obliged to pray five times a day and it is binding on them in a congregatory prayer that their shoulders and feet must touch each other.

Muslims all over the world stopped praying in congregation after the social distancing movement. Even the circumbulation of Kabah, which continues 24×7 was halted for only the second time in the history of Islam.

Like in Korea, a Muslim sect in India held a gathering at their centre before the advisory of Indian govt. not to do so was issued. Though there were manifold gatherings of devotees in all the big Hindu temples with hundreds of foreigners in many of them and substantial gatherings in many Gurdwaras too on those very dates, the Muslims were singled out and a campaign of Islamophobia was started by some sections of the majority community. Fake videos of rubbing the saliva on fruits and vegetables by the Muslims became the trends on the social media. Hateful phrases like Corona Jihad were coined. All major television channels joined and enhanced the campaign of vilifying Muslims.

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In both South Korea and India, the respective governments did not even remain a mute witness to it but some people in authority also issued such statements that fuelled the fire of majority community’s anger against the Muslim minority. It suits the political powers to divert the attention of the masses from their own shortcomings to a minority group.

It is in this scenario that the UN Rights Chief, US Ambassador for Religious Rights and other Rights Groups had to issue statements that the governments, world over, must protect minorities from prejudicial treatment over the coronavirus outbreak.

The saddest part of this state of affairs in South Korea is a demand of a ban on HWPL, an International Peace Organisation, incidentally headed by Mr. Man Hee Lee who also happens to be the head of Shincheonji too. I am an Islamic Scholar, Imam and preacher and also head of an organisation ‘WORK’ (World Organisation of Religions & Knowledge.) which is active all over India besides having its members in some other countries. I am proud to declare that WORK is actively associated with the Peace Activities of HWPL. Their demand of acceptance by the UN member countries to legislate ‘No War Agreement’ and their hectic interfaith-understanding parleys throughout the world is commendable. I have also been participating in HWPL’s interfaith meetings (under their sub-banner of WARPO) for the last three and half years besides cooperating with them in other peace activities. I stand witness to the fact that HWPL is for world peace and harming it will harm the cause of World Peace. It is time when all people of the world stand united, foregoing blame games and shedding Xenophobia, Islamophobia, Zionophobia, Shincheophobia, and all such phobias. Coronavirus has removed the masks of humanity from the faces of a large number of social animals. It is the duty of us all to transform these animals into real human beings.   

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