Surah Baqarah: Ayahs 11-20

This Ayah talks about Munafiqs or hypocrites. Munafiqs present themselves as peacemakers and reformers, but in reality, they are troublemakers. They are similar to those who never use their intellect and bring disharmony in this well-balanced World. However, they proclaim themselves to be the harbingers of change.  

When they are told to “Believe, as the Momin does, they reply: “Should we believe like those fools?”. The Momin is someone who submits to the will of God. According to the Munafiq, their business will run into loss if they follow the Momin’s path. Therefore, they believe they must not refrain from lying. They do not think a Momin is sensible with his approach to the practical World. In reality, these hypocrites are the real fools. However, they fail to understand this. 

The Munafiq are unaware that they are slowly and gradually descending towards huge losses.  They are absolute fools because they do not believe in the law of cause and effect. The result of their deeds accumulates, and they will be given the result in this World. However, it will be too late for them to repent.

Since Allah is the Most Just, he gives you what you deserve according to your deeds. Another characteristic of Munafiqs highlighted in this Ayah is that they claim that they will support true believers in all their endeavors when they are in front of them. And when they get back to their group of Munafiqs, they say, “Our conversations with Momins are a mere mockery and stand baseless.”. Similarly, Allah’s unchangeable law will play a joke on these fools while they remain unaware. 

Since they do not follow Allah’s laws, they will be pushed further into the darkness of wit and understanding. It will become unlikely that they ever come out of it. They will keep roaming on the wrong path and will never find the course of righteous men. These are people who buy ignorance instead of guidance, so their bargain brings them no gain, nor are they guided. On the other hand, the Momins have bargained their life and possessions for paradise. They are aware that Allah is the true Giver can take back blessings whenever He wants. After all, everything belongs to him. 

This Ayah cites two analogies to clarify the temperament of a Munafiq further.  In the first one, they are compared to those who light a fire. This fire has both benefits as well as drawbacks. As soon as the flame starts illuminating their surroundings, Allah takes away its advantages and leaves them with its detrimental effects.  In effect, this throws them in darkness —the darkness of ignorance and foolishness. This darkness occurs because they shed light on matters around them without the guidance of Allah. They believe in their self-created philosophies and reject the laws and teachings of Allah. Their ears and eyes are not open, and they would never return to wisdom. 

The second parable is about abundant rain befalling them with thunder, darkness, and lightning. This rain is nothing but the crisis happening around the World, which would scare them to death. They would suffer in fear and panic for not having faith in Allah. They would try and take a few steps in light but again get confused and halt when darkness would block their path. Allah has some hope in them and says they can return to the righteous path if they want. Allah’s laws are unchangeable, and he is the best estimator.

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